Jimena Castro PH.D. - Ignite and Shine Your Light


I always appreciate and rejoice in that sparkling, bubbling sensation of being somewhere I have never been before and the feeling of my senses coming to life, as I wander around in discovery mode. It is the sense of anticipation, the creating of spaciousness, and the opening for possibilities lingering in the air that inspires me, despite the fears that at times sit too close for comfort. 

In my personal healing journey, I have learned ways of exploring the relationship between aspects of my experience that at times seemed to be separate. Relational and mind-body practices, such as meditation, yoga, and hypnosis have shifted my perception of that apparent separation and have brought healing to my life. I have also been fortunate to meet my spiritual teacher, Shiv Charan Singh, who has taught me about numbers and their immanence in the inter-relatedness of all things. His ideas have inspired my way of engaging with others in therapeutic conversations.

To me the consultation is the creation of an atmosphere in which participants can tap into their own strengths and resources to reconnect, heal (i.e., become whole), and learn that change is possible.

Professional Experience

Trained in Brief and relational approaches to psychotherapy and Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis, I have been providing therapeutic services to individuals, couples, and families in both English and Spanish for over 10 years. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist (Florida, MT 3300), an AAMFT supervisor, and adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

I co-directed for two years the MS in Psychology with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. As a member of the Milton Erickson Institute of the Bay Area, MHEIBA, I have been teaching internationally on brief therapy, couples therapy, and relational approaches to dealing with depression, anxiety, and the effects of trauma.